október 04, 2005

He woke up that morning like most mornings, tense and stiff. The working day had already started and he was still in bed. He wasn’t late, he just hadn’t left work. His head was already spinning around, planning, working out what should be done and what not. But somehow it didn’t matter how much he thought it through or tried to plan it in his head, there was still chaos and he couldn’t see how he would make it through the day. At the back of his head he also felt an even bigger nagging sensation that he tried to avoid. He had to make a decision. Today he had to make a decision, he felt it, it was time. Well actually it wasn’t just any decision, it was in fact the decision; the decision to quit, to resign, to give in, whatever you call it. The decision to give up everything he had been working on and working for. He had convinced himself that it was only a strategic decision, to give himself time to prove once and for all what a great manager he was. To sacrifice everything, to prove that it was all worth it. That all the work had been worth it, that it had served a purpose and had been a worthwhile experience. But all this strategizing did was hide from himself the true problem. Fear, he was scared. Terrified even, what would he do if he would in fact lose his job. What would he be without this job he had put everything into.


Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

mánudagsblús á þriðjudagsmorgni? hvernig er komið fyrir þessum heimi?

11:02 f.h.  

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